Ticket Report Goodness and Plan Upgrades

Account-wide Ticket Reports

Account-wide Ticket ReportsThat’s right – no more jumping between projects to view and manage your tickets! You can now view account-wide ticket reports from the Account Dashboard.

Account-wide ticket reports function just like project ticket reports. You can still make bulk updates to many tickets at once, and now you can sort or group by project as well as all the other available fields.

Currenly, only account administrators have permission to manage the account-wide ticket reports.

Plan Upgrades

We have also just upped the storage capacity of a number of our plans. The Compact, Corporate, and Enterprise plans now offer 750MB, 2GB, and 6GB of storage space, respectively. For more about the different plans please check out the new plan matrix.

Unfuddle Community Forum

Unfuddle CommunityIn preparation for some of the exciting features we have in our pipeline, we have decided that it is finally time to give Unfuddlers a home of their own. Come on down to https://unfuddle.com/community and meet your fellow Unfuddlers. Share your successes, give feedback and ask for help.

  1. September 7, 2007 Hendy Irawan

    Nice :)

    Sorry, since I'm not significantly touched this time...

    I like ever-expanding services... Makes me constantly await what comes up next month (or next week) :)

  2. September 21, 2007 Jay Armstrong

    I appreciate the growing feature list here and get the impression you guys are working on it around the clock. I keep finding more subtle, time-saving tools every other day. And thanks for keeping it all simple and clean.