Updates to Project Activity and Messages

This week we are bringing you some updates to both the Activity page and Messages.

The Activity page has been completely revamped to function as a daily activity report. This makes it extremely easy to catch up if you were out of the office for a while or if you are looking to see what happened on a project on a specific day. Activity is grouped by object (ticket, message, etc), making it easier to parse, especially if you have a very active project. We expect to add additional filtering and sorting options in the future.

Activity Page in an Unfuddle Account</a>

Messages have also received a complete facelift. You will notice that the comments have moved to the right hand side of the screen, greatly optimizing screen real estate for most users. And don't forget that drag-and-drop attachments are active everywhere on the page now, including on message comments.

Message Page in an Unfuddle Account</a>

There have been a lot of changes to the interface lately. We have been really happy with the results and we hope that you are too. But as always, we are hungry for your thoughts. If you have any comments, please let us know!

  1. April 24, 2013 Evzen

    Already reported this to support - since this change I can't open any link in a new browser tab via middle mouse click (or Ctrl-click) in Seamonkey and Firefox. It works fine in IE9. I didn't check Chrome yet.
    No additional extensions/plugins installed, I checked on clean machine with fresh clean SM/FF installs.

    This side effect unfortunately outweighs the positives of these changes (which I actually like a lot).

  2. April 24, 2013 Christoph

    Hmm I am the kind of guy who likes to see much on a screen and I liked the old Dashboard better as I could choose how much I wanted to see in chronological order. It was more like a twitter timeline, but nw I need to click, and click, and click.

    I like the look and feel of the update, but I would appreciate if there would be a timeline-like activity view in addition.


  3. April 24, 2013 Andronic Trandafir

    @Evzen, you will be pleased to notice that the middle click behaviour was repaired with an update earlier today.

    @Christoph, we are excited to see that you are enjoying the updates - at least for now.

    Thank you for your feedback. We do value your thoughts and expect to improve more in the near future.

  4. April 24, 2013 loki_racer

    Is there any chance you guys can stop hijacking center mouse button clicks? It's extremely annoying.

  5. April 24, 2013 Evzen

    Thanks for fixing the middle click functionality!

  6. April 25, 2013 Sandesh

    Is it possible to bring back the old dash board? User can select what they want to see in Dashboard.

    Old one was better

  7. April 25, 2013 Robbie

    I much preferred the old activity view.

    Some weeks our project does not get enough activity for a daily view. And, with this new view, I lost my ability to easily find the ticket I updated "sometime" last week.

  8. April 29, 2013 Steve

    Hi. There's a problem with the activity page. For our project it says all the changes were made by 'Anonymous' instead of correctly listing the user's name.

    Also, how do I view all Activity for a week or more, rather than just one day? One day is pretty useless to me, I don't log in every day.


  9. April 29, 2013 Chris

    The new dashboard is nice, I like the per-day view - now I can actually use this without being flooded by past activity, and the grouping is nice also. I notice that Anonymous bug in some git-commits (it's only anon in the activity page not the repo history pages.)

  10. April 29, 2013 Joshua

    In response to everyone's comments, we have just deployed an update to the Activity page that we believe will address some of your concerns.

    You will now find that you can specify date ranges, like "Last 7 Days" or "Last 30 Days". This allows the page to act in a very similar manner as before. We have also added the ability to specify specific date ranges.

    @Steve @Chris. We did have a version out for a little while that was falsely showing Anonymous for certain activity. This has largely been remedied. The only exception to this is with attachments. All attachments are currently showing "Anonymous" and we are looking into possible solutions now.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback!

  11. April 30, 2013 BradB

    Well the date range is better, but still, grouping the activity by ticket in *forward* chronological order seems to be at cross purposes, doesn't it? That may be a matter of taste, I can see how some people might want to see the story of the last 14 days in the order it happened and such.

  12. May 1, 2013 Cosmin Andriescu

    Great work on the new enhancements!
    One small request on the Activity page is there any way you can add an additional filter by author? I think it will be quite useful. Thanks!

  13. May 15, 2013 Nathan C

    Just noticed the Activity page update so I can see what we've been doing for more than the last day. It's excellent, thanks a lot!