Two-Factor Authentication Updates for Unfuddle STACK

Unfuddle STACK Roadmap

Many of you have asked for a more versatile Two-Factor authentication system that you can use with different Authenticator apps, even from the first time we introduced the Two-Factor Authentication in Unfuddle.

We have recently deployed an update that will allow you to use your favourite Authenticator to sign in into your Unfuddle STACK account!

Here are some of the many Authenticators that are now compatible with our 2FA system:

If you already have 2FA enabled, just go to your Personal Settings page and click “Reset and Reconfigure” under the “Two-Factor Authentication” section.

If you haven’t done so, we strongly recommend enabling two-factor authentication to increase the security of your account.

Find more details on how to enable 2FA authentication in STACK and much more in our support section.

As always, if you have any feedback or suggestions we are happy to hear you! Don’t hesitate to contact us, or leave a comment below.