The Unfuddle Blog
This week, all the Unfuddle team has gathered from around the globe, in beautiful Vermont autumn, to launch the most significant product of our history as a company: Unfuddle TEN.
Today is the 10 year anniversary of Unfuddle and we're celebrating by sharing with you some of the highlights of the work we have been doing with Unfuddle TEN.
10 Must-Have Apps You Should Have in Your Agile Toolchain
At Unfuddle we are a distributed team of several software engineers. As a distributed team, we have some common tools we all share, as well as our own personal list of goto apps. These tools help us in our continuous delivery of features, fixes, and new products.
Unfuddle TEN: Addressing Customer Feedback
Unfuddle TEN development has been going great. And we are getting closer to releasing a roadmap for everyone to see.
Before we pull back the covers completely, I want to take the opportunity to address some of the specific concerns that our customers have brought to us — recently and through the years. You have showed up in droves to talk to us about what you really want out of Unfuddle.
Why we chose Meteor for Unfuddle TEN
As many of you know, Unfuddle has been a primarily Ruby shop for the past ten years. We love Ruby. And it has served us exceptionally well.
However, in the past year, we have really gotten interested in the idea of realtime collaborative interfaces. AgilePad was our first attempt at this. Though we were very attached to Ruby, we began to venture out of the ecosystem to test the state-of-the-art in other development communities. For example AgilePad was built on NodeJS, Angular and Firebase.
For a few of our other side projects, we chose to use Meteor. And we have fallen in love. Here are just a few of the reasons why.
Project Management at the Speed of Thought
Over the years we have engaged in many "thought experiments". These are experiments to test principles of project management, and their practical application. We came up with these experiments through talking with our customers, and drawing on our own experiences with running dozens of internal projects over the years.
You may not have heard of AgilePad, but it was one of our experiments that we launched last year. We launched it with little fanfare. AgilePad came from a single observation we had about our team: Despite so many good project management tools, everyone at Unfuddle still kept a bunch of text files on their desktops with random thoughts and todos for various projects. We asked ourselves, "What if we moved those text files to a collaborative environment, and spiced it up with a little syntactic sugar?"
Just Deployed Five Improvements To STACK
Just before the close of the year, we improved Unfuddle STACK with some new enhancements. Many of these improvements come from the STACK community, and we are grateful. Your feedback represents the way our customers are using STACK. It guides us in how we make improvements.